Friday, February 1, 2013

Look at that photograph...

Travel with me through time to remember days gone by, that myriad of memories locked in the backs of our minds, to see long ago faces and remember the good old days.

Time is irrelevant here… the memories go back as far as you can remember… only a few short months or many, many years. It makes no difference when it was, just that we recall, recollect and pass the memories along to those who form the newest generations and beyond.

Isn’t amazing how running across an old photo can trigger so many life experiences? 

And to question… just who are those people in those photos from 1900 and before and since? (Remember to label your photos… if we’re not here no one will know… just like those of us who just don’t know… who are they?)

 It doesn’t matter how you preserve your memories… only that you do…

The sons of Stephen Rose circa 1871

Pictured front, l to r: Captains Steven, Joseph and Antoine Rose.
Pictured back, l to r: Captains William, Edward and Charles Rose.

This copy of an original tintype was sent to me from a cousin I found about 15 years ago through Our relatives were two of the brothers above... William and Charles to be exact. It was one of the first of many photos that I was given or sent over the years and one I'm very proud to have ... and be able to name. There was a seventh son, Joseph, born in 1845, who didn't survive. In a naming practice I've found in our French families, when an infant dies, a child later born to the family is given the same name. How confusing! There were also six girls born to the parents.

The men in the family were captains on the Great Lakes out of the Anchorville area of Michigan.

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